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Franciscan Mission Associates (FMA), now in its 63rd year of service to the missions of the world, is a spiritually based organization with worldwide mission-helping undertakings. It promotes information about and interest in the missionaries and their people – particularly in the Franciscan Missions of Central America, but also in the inner cities of the United States and Canada as well as every continent in the world.

Light a Candle

Light a Candle

The offering of a burning candle before our altars and shrines is an act of prayer to God, our blessed Mother, or the saints.

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Support Our Work: Donate Now!

Support Our Work: Donate Now!

Support the continuing Mission and Ministry of Franciscan Mission Associates to provide Spiritual and Financial assistance.

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St. Anthony’s Bread

St. Anthony’s Bread

This devotion to St. Anthony goes back to the Thirteenth Century. It is a source of many favors and graces and is of great aid to the poor and needy.

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Submit Your Prayer Request

Submit Your Prayer Request

Post your prayer request. Your prayer requests will be placed on the altar for remembrance at Mass.

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Saint of the Month

St. Michael, The Archangel

St. Michael, The Archangel

Feast Day – September 29

A long tradition identifies St. Michael, the Archangel, as the leader who remained faithful to God, and cast Lucifer into Hell at God’s command. His powerful aid has always been invoked by the Church in time of emergency.

The Popes have constantly called on St. Michael as the special protector of the church whenever great evils threatened God’s people. For this reason, St. Michael is especially honored at Rome, on Monte Gargano, near Foggia, in Italy, and in France on Mont-Saint- Michel in Normandy.


Prayer of the Month

St. Michael the Archangel, guardian of God’s people, help us in our struggle against evil in our hearts and in our minds. Guard and guide those whose special task is to work for the welfare of all. Keep our homes and families safe from harm.

Be at our side at life’s end and lead us safely to the Lord whose great love we cherish and whose mercy we implore. Amen.